Proof of God From Causality
Also known as the Kalam Cosmological Argument, first used by Ibn Sina, then improved by Imam al Ghazali and even used by Aquinas in his 5 proofs of god arguments, the Kalam cosmological argument is a simple yet controversial argument that is still debated to this day by philosophers and thinkers, but today we will focus on explaining the argument in a basic form.
the causality argument as the name states focuses on Cause, cause is anything that "Causes" a thing or an effect, just like the driver causes the car to move and steer in a specific direction I am also caused by my parents getting married and having me, in these cases both the driver and my parents are the causes, on there hand the car moving and me being born are the effect, as we observe reality we see that everything has a cause, nothing came to be without something causing it to be, so we can say everything that begins to exist has a cause ( Focus on begins to exist ), and then we can visualize this relation as a chain between causes and effect, where the causes is the effect of the cause behind it.
as we follow this chain of causation up, it seems to keep going but can it go infinitely? this is the point of debate, if we reason intuitively this chain can't go forever, cause then we will never reach the state things are currently today, not clear enough? let's try with an analogy, imagine there is a sniper waiting to take a shot, but he can't take it until his master gives the command, but at the same time his master is waiting for his own master to give the command, and that 2nd commander has another commander and so on and so forth, this chain of command keeps going infinitely, but by your own thought do you think the sniper will ever take the shot ? well, obviously not cause everyone is waiting, and we can't both take the shot and wait at the same time cause that is illogical, therefor it is the same with causation, we can't have a chain of causation that goes on forever, this is called infinite regress (grim reaper paradox is another example), there needs to be a point of no cause, an "UnCaused Cause", this is what we point to and say, "GOD", it is that which caused everything and itself is not caused, now you might say how can that be? Doesn't GOD have a cause? since we said everything has a cause ?, well no because we said everything that begins to exist has a cause, but since GOD is eternal and never started to exist therefor he doesn't need a cause! and with this, we concluded our simple argument, you might say "Well these uncaused causes don't need to be GOD, it can be anything that is bot aware and has no power and from it everything started", well the proof for other qualities of GOD is beyond the scope of this post, though I might write a blog about them so keep an eye out !.
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