
Proof of monotheism

 Proof of monotheism  Last blog post, we talked about the proof of an uncaused cause, which proves the existence of an eternal entity that is the source of all that began to exist, but one might ask, why does it have to be 1 entity, there could be any infinite or more then 1 entity that cause everything, well today we will talk about the proof of monotheism, aka the proof of only 1 uncaused cause. Necessary vs contingent  before I get to the argument, I need to first explain certain concepts, which are necessity and contingency (possibility ), everything that exists either has to be the case and could not have been otherwise, or it could have been or not been, for example, me (the writer) could have not existed and everything else would still exist, I am not necessary for the existence to be, therefor I am possible and contingent (possible actual), while something like the law of quantity like 1 + 1 = 2, is necessary, there can not be a world where 1 + 1 doesn't equal 2, ...

Proof of God From Causality

 Proof of God From Causality Also known as the Kalam Cosmological Argument, first used by Ibn Sina, then improved by Imam al Ghazali and even used by Aquinas in his 5 proofs of god arguments, the Kalam cosmological argument is a simple yet controversial argument that is still debated to this day by philosophers and thinkers, but today we will focus on explaining the argument in a basic form. the causality argument as the name states focuses on Cause, cause is anything that "Causes" a thing or an effect, just like the driver causes the car to move and steer in a specific direction I am also caused by my parents getting married and having me, in these cases both the driver and my parents are the causes, on there hand the car moving and me being born are the effect, as we observe reality we see that everything has a cause, nothing came to be without something causing it to be, so we can say everything that begins to exist has a cause ( Focus on begins to exist ), and then we ca...